Thursday, June 9, 2016

My Experience with the MuTu System

I finally bit the bullet and ordered the MuTu System this weekend.  I’ve been doing some DR (diastasis recti) exercises that I found on-line on my own for a couple of months now and have not seen any changes.  I decided to bite the bullet and buy the program.  I’m hoping by having videos to follow with a week by week progression that I will see improvement.  According to the MuTu website I should notice a change in about 4 weeks and SEE a change in about 8 weeks.   My major issue I think is going to be following the food guideline plan.  I LOVE SUGAR and everything that comes with it.  That is one of the things Wendy encourages you to cut out and she is right I know!   It’s sooooo hard.   I've been trying though.  I've already cut down my sugar by half in my morning latte and I've been trying to eat whole snacks...nothing pre-packages.  I even bought organic peanut butter with no added sugar.  That's a decent start for week 1...right?  
Ok so as I mentioned I’m currently in week 1 of the program.  The plan states you should walk 20 minutes a day.   I’ve been running and doing yard work so have counted that as my “walk”...not sure that is ok but that is what I'm doing.   I've also been doing he core phase 1 exercises religiously.   It is a short 7-9 minute video which you need to do twice daily.  I do them back to back as I don’t have time to go back later in the evening… quite frankly I’m usually ready for bed by the time I tuck my little one into her bed.   The core exercises seem a bit easy and I’m not sure much is happening right now but I’m hopeful that I’m building strength in my core/pelvis area to prepare for phase II. 

So... let me give you some background.  My daughter is 5 ½ years old… Yikes!! I know.   I’ve been doing exercise on and off on my own since she was born but no matter what I did couldn’t lose the jelly belly… it is still there!   In the past year or so I’ve been trying to do a better job of eating healthier and working out more.  At one point (before a trip)  I even lost 12 pounds but the belly was still there.   I’ve since gained most of that back L.  The worst part is that lately I keep getting asked if I’m pregnant.. REALLY  people.  Don’t you know you aren’t supposed to ask a woman if she is pregnant.   It’s a real confidence de-flater when you think you look pretty good and then are asked if you are having a baby.  NO I AM NOT!  Are you?????   After doing some research and the test I realized I have diastasis recti.  It's not wide... only two fingers but it is deep, hence I started some of the DR exercise on my own but nothing is happening.   Also, I'm feeling very bloated and gassy every time I eat... all good news right?  Ha!  Anyway, that brings me to paying the $97 bucks and ordering the 12 week program.   I will keep track of my progress and let you know how it goes … wish me luck!

For more information you can follow this link:

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